Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Home Sweet Home...

My sister's just prompted me to blog, seeing as i haven't done for over a month now...oopsie! Owell, it's pretty much only her who looks at this anyways. So sorry I've been away for so long! I was keeping myself occupied untill Jim came home and then I've been busy with him for the past 4weeks, so I'm allowed to be away from the computer! lol. So what have I been doing (that I'm allowed to write about on here) hmmm...
Well on the Saturday before Jim came home I drove myself,Emmakins, Ella and Bekki over to Ipswich to go see Rocky Horror! It was awesome!!! So much fun! There were so many more people dressed up than when we went to London! Although we were late arriving at the theatre AGAIN!...damn it janet! I took loads of pics, and I was asked to have our picture taken by the guy from BBC suffolk, so thats up on the website as "Bury St Edmunds Babes!"...not a good one of me but owell! lol.Then on the Sunday (day before Jim was due home) I went over to Woolpit and stayed over ready for Jim's arrival on the Monday. Felicity went off to school and I was left pacing the house till he arrived! The past 4weeks of Jim being home have been the best! I've seen him everyday, I've loved it! I'm so happy that he's finaly home!(...well he's back at work now, but due back on Friday, so only without him for 4days so it's ok!)
For his 20th I organised a Pirate and Wenches fancy dress at my house with a treasure hunt! Yarrrrr! It was ace! I don't think I've been so very drunk without being sick...was impressive!
Although I think we scared a few neighbours when we let ourselves loose in Gt.Livermere following the map to where the key was, to unlock the treasure! Jack-
Jack was strangely dressed as a Ninja with a monkey on his shoulder (I think it's the only thing he's prepared to dress up as)

On bank holiday Sunday we all met up in town for some late night drinking, and as always ended up in bar3, that being the only place still left open! then at half1am ordered a load of pizzas and went back to Emma's new house and watched 'Finding Nemo' finally got to bed at bout half4.
Then we were all up early Monday morning to convoy over to Walberswick and cook bacon on the beach! Was ace!...although the guys thought it would be a great idea to go for a swim in the cold april sea! *nice*...Ed got brain freeze!

p.s. This time next week is my Birthday! Yay xxx Happy Birthday cousin Jon for today! xxx