Beer tastes like yum...
Wow, I've been a bit rubbish resently with the whole updating on my life thing! Well since I last posted I've been back at school! The first week or so back was packed full of crazy drama rehearsals for my last ever A2 drama performance exam (Wednesday 26th April)! And it went really well! I'm so glad it's all over with now though! After all the performances of the night, JackJack met up with me outside the school, and we proceeded to the Victoria in Thurston for a few drinks of celebration. Thursday I didn't bother going to school. I was so shattered, and I only had double English in the morning so!? Instead I went to JackJack's house in the land of Norton.
JackJack had the day off work, and as I hadn't seen him for agggges (apart from that quick drink the night previous)I thought it worked in brilliantly. We spent the day watching Family Guy and eating bacon sarnies! *yummy* I then cycled to school for work!
Later that evening Mr Stokes and his young Emily visited me, rather unexpectidly! I think they were planning on going over to see the wierd trees at knettishall, but ended up walking my dogs with me instead, and then spending the rest of the night bouncing on my trmpoline in fits of laughter, untill we had to stop because we were in so much pain!
Friday flew by. I was hoping it would, because Jim was due back friday evening and I just wanted to get home and see him! bonus in philosophy...I got an A for a bloodly awkward essay! *woot* Friday evening we went to the pub, *no suprises there*. It was a good turn out compared to the week previous, and we all got to meet GemGem's new boyfriend, Chris (who seems like a brilliant guy, plus he makes GemGem happy so who can complain!?) and also, for those who hadn't already, met Mark, Ella's new boyfriend! All was rather couple-ley!
Saturday I had to work as per usual, however have now set the date of when I'm leaving (after 3years 4 months! *sob*) but it means I can spend more time with Jim! After work I walked up to The Grapes and had a pint with Jim, Thom, Emma HL, Scotty and Scotty's girlfriend, Izzy. Thom and Em had to leave us, but us 4 walked up to the Bury Beer Festival! It was awesome!!! Emmakins later joined us there and all 5 of us drank rather a lot of beer! Jim drinking by far the most I have to say! After a few hours there everyone departed so Jim and I walked/staggered to Bury kebab house, because Jim insisted he had to have a donner kebab! Jim was wasted...I mean WASTED! It was kinda funny, but it's suprising how quickly you sobber up when you have to look after someone! I walked, Jim fell from one foot to another, to Hannahs new house down past the bus station. And from there mum came picked us up and drove us back home. Jim was stuggling a bit getting out of the car, so I shouted *Gas Gas Gas*, his RAF training kicked in and he soon threw himself out of the passanger door...
...much to the hilarity of my mother, she took some rather fantastic photos of my gorgeous boyfriend sprawled out of the car upon the pavement, inches from my front door to the house! I helped him inside and into bed. He was in fits of giggles as I undressed him untill he finally settled down, the rest of the night was pretty good! Yesterday Jim had to fix his bike to cycle home. We spent most of the day outside with the dogs. Mum later found Lil Digging up half the garden, trying to dig her way to Australia!
Then Adam came over to see me and organise a trip to the coast for "sunrise" this morning. Adam collected Emily and brought her round last night at 10pm and Jim came back round shortly after. The 4 of us then proceeded the mission of 3 hours sleep follows by a long winded round-a-bout route to Covehithe beach, lead by Adam, Jim and I closely behind. It was raining as we set out at 3 o clock this morning, and lets just say it didn't get any better weather wise!!!! We went down the *Danger, no pedestrians* path to access the beach and then walked along to a small bird watching hut, where we took shelter and drank tomato and roast chicken soup, coffee and ate some date slice at half5 this morning! I don't know how long we spent there, but it was pretty cool! I don't think many other people could enjoy what we endured this morning, apart from me, Jim and Adam!!!....Emily was pretty good, considering she normally gets up no earlier than 9 o clock most days, she seemed to enjoy it all! Jim and I separated from Mr Stokes and Emily on the way home, because they were off for a day in Norwich...and Me and Jim just wanted to get home, take off our wet clothes and get into bed! Which is exactly what we did do! We've had a couple of hours kip now, and Jim's gone back to his for the afternoon to spend some time with his parents. As for me...Time for some food me thinks!!!!

Later that evening Mr Stokes and his young Emily visited me, rather unexpectidly! I think they were planning on going over to see the wierd trees at knettishall, but ended up walking my dogs with me instead, and then spending the rest of the night bouncing on my trmpoline in fits of laughter, untill we had to stop because we were in so much pain!

Saturday I had to work as per usual, however have now set the date of when I'm leaving (after 3years 4 months! *sob*) but it means I can spend more time with Jim! After work I walked up to The Grapes and had a pint with Jim, Thom, Emma HL, Scotty and Scotty's girlfriend, Izzy. Thom and Em had to leave us, but us 4 walked up to the Bury Beer Festival! It was awesome!!! Emmakins later joined us there and all 5 of us drank rather a lot of beer! Jim drinking by far the most I have to say! After a few hours there everyone departed so Jim and I walked/staggered to Bury kebab house, because Jim insisted he had to have a donner kebab! Jim was wasted...I mean WASTED! It was kinda funny, but it's suprising how quickly you sobber up when you have to look after someone! I walked, Jim fell from one foot to another, to Hannahs new house down past the bus station. And from there mum came picked us up and drove us back home. Jim was stuggling a bit getting out of the car, so I shouted *Gas Gas Gas*, his RAF training kicked in and he soon threw himself out of the passanger door...

...much to the hilarity of my mother, she took some rather fantastic photos of my gorgeous boyfriend sprawled out of the car upon the pavement, inches from my front door to the house! I helped him inside and into bed. He was in fits of giggles as I undressed him untill he finally settled down, the rest of the night was pretty good! Yesterday Jim had to fix his bike to cycle home. We spent most of the day outside with the dogs. Mum later found Lil Digging up half the garden, trying to dig her way to Australia!

Then Adam came over to see me and organise a trip to the coast for "sunrise" this morning. Adam collected Emily and brought her round last night at 10pm and Jim came back round shortly after. The 4 of us then proceeded the mission of 3 hours sleep follows by a long winded round-a-bout route to Covehithe beach, lead by Adam, Jim and I closely behind. It was raining as we set out at 3 o clock this morning, and lets just say it didn't get any better weather wise!!!! We went down the *Danger, no pedestrians* path to access the beach and then walked along to a small bird watching hut, where we took shelter and drank tomato and roast chicken soup, coffee and ate some date slice at half5 this morning! I don't know how long we spent there, but it was pretty cool! I don't think many other people could enjoy what we endured this morning, apart from me, Jim and Adam!!!....Emily was pretty good, considering she normally gets up no earlier than 9 o clock most days, she seemed to enjoy it all! Jim and I separated from Mr Stokes and Emily on the way home, because they were off for a day in Norwich...and Me and Jim just wanted to get home, take off our wet clothes and get into bed! Which is exactly what we did do! We've had a couple of hours kip now, and Jim's gone back to his for the afternoon to spend some time with his parents. As for me...Time for some food me thinks!!!!
Luuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrve the picture of evil/really really cute Lil!!
love you too xxxxxxxxx jo xxxxxxxx
PS the pics of Jim were pretty funny.
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